Happy Thursday Fam! Hope all is glorious!
Well, with the first week of 2025 complete, I must say…it is off to a great start!
On Friday night, our new brother in Christ AJ (the one who was delivered from transgenderism a few months ago), came to Bayfront Park for some final prayer and counsel before he left for North Carolina to be part of a discipleship ministry. He has grown so much in his faith in the last few months, and we are so excited to see what God does through him. Here we are before he left:
It was also great to have Rene and Maria back on Friday, because there were a number of Hispanics that came through the park, and they got to minister to several of them. Here’s one family that all prayed to receive the Lord on Friday:
We packed up early that night and went over to Fellowship of Believers to be part of a nationwide movement called “Open Heavens.” The leader- Joel Mott, is from California and he leads a ministry called “California Will Be Saved.” The Lord showed him a vision of the heavens opening and rain falling all across America, representing a release of the Holy Spirit. After that, he felt the call to go to the multiple cities across America with a message of repentance and revival. His first stop was in Sarasota.
He gave a powerful word that night about King David, which you can view here:
What’s funny is that he and I were connected via a mutual friend just a few days before New Years, and he had no idea that our logo was David until I told him. He flipped! I also shared with him the sign of the historic Shavuot rainstorm and told him that we actually saw in the natural what he saw in his vision. It’s crazy how many things were converging. Here’s us after:
On Saturday, we had a powerful time of ministry at the retirement home before Riverwalk. I brought Mike Kramer along and he prayed for several people to be healed. One lady, who is 97 years old, even said she could see better after he prayed for her! In the beginning, she couldn’t even tell that Mike had a beard when he was two feet in front of her, and to her own shock, after prayer, she could even see how many fingers I had up from across the room. Amazing! Let’s see what the Lord does there this season!
Saturday night at Riverwalk was awesome, or so I heard. I actually had to go to my sister in laws baby shower to help Sofiya, so I left the team in charge. Praise God, we had an army of laborers, and I heard that many people were touched and several prayed to receive Jesus.
So proud of Team Jesus!
When I came back to pack up, a young boy approached us to ask if we had found his cell phone and we ended up ministering to him for quite a while. The Lord gave me a word that he was running from his calling in God and was backslidden, and the boy admitted to us that it was correct. God touched him that night and he ended up praying to receive Jesus. So cool!
On Sunday, we again had an army, and boy did we need it because the beach was flooded with people. I got many reports that people were touched, and several people prayed to receive Jesus also.
One woman even received physical healing in her ear, which she testified about on the microphone:
We finished the night with an epic prayer circle and capped it off by dedicating the ministry at Siesta of 2025 to the Lord and prophesying the Word over the beach. It was powerful:
BIG thanks to all the mighty warriors who made it out to the mission fields this weekend: Amber, Laney, Mike M, Mike F, Chuck, Debbie, Mike K, Rochelle, Jack, Rachael, Joy, Ricardo, Chris, Geraldine and kids, Michelle, Rene, Maria, Thom, Adrick, Gene, Noah, Brittany, Sarath, Storm, Paul and Howie. Great Kingdom work everyone!!
Speaking of prophesying, my prophetic friend (who has prophesied over me accurately multiple times) was ministering at The Front on Monday and we had a powerful time of ministry. He and I were tag teaming, and at one point the Lord had me share a short word about how to step into 2025 on the right spiritual footing. I called it “the 3 R’s”. You can see it here:
Robert also spoke a prophetic word over Natalie (which is on the video also) and he didn’t realize until I told him that he began prophesying over her at 9:41pm! So cool!
On Tuesday at The House of Prayer, we prayed into a prophetic word that Pastor Roger had given me on New Years Eve. It was about how God wanted to create departments in the ministry and get the team involved in leading various aspects of it so we can grow. Here is a link to that word:
Please keep us lifted up to receive wisdom as to what this should look like.
Tonight, I am excited to begin our study of the book “Of Plymouth Plantation” which is the story of America’s founding. We will be discussing this book for the next several months, and we would love for you to join us if you can! Tonight, we will meet at Chris and Geraldines house to kick it off!
On another note, how funny is it that the same week we start our study, Trump made this announcement:
How cool that we will soon be ministering along the Gulf of America! I may even have to get rebaptized in it once the name gets changed! LOL
Anyway, hope this all encourages you. God is on the move in our land and we’re grateful to be serving Him alongside of you!
Hope to see you soon! Love and blessings to you!
Chris, Sofiya and Natalie
P.S. If you haven’t seen the recap of 2024, be sure to check it out. It will encourage you a TON- 2024 Mission Field Highlights – Awaken941