Happy Thursday Beloved of God! I hope you’re doing amazing!
Just as I was sitting down to write this today, I got a text from Mark, the (former) leader of the drum circle. I say former because he has stated that he is never going back to the circle again. If you recall, I mentioned last week that he reached out to me in tears, telling me that he had messed up badly and that he needed Gods help. I met up with him and his girlfriend last Thursday, and I gave them biblical counsel for several hours. They both prayed with me, and they both opened their hearts up to Jesus. I messaged Mark a little bit throughout the week, and he told me that he had still been praying. Today, he reached out to me, and he asked me to keep praying for him and he told me that he is working to change his ways:
So encouraging to see this! I will be meeting with them again soon to continue to disciple them, so please keep that in prayer.
On that note, we had a MIGHTY time of intercession over the drum circle on Tuesday at The House of Prayer. I shared the testimony of what happened with Mark, and then we went to war over the souls of the drummers and against the powers of darkness over the beach. At one point, our brother Yamuel (whose name actually means “sea of God”), had the anointing come over him and he began to prophecy an Isaiah 42 war cry through the drums. As he did this, I began travailing. During this travail, for the first time, I felt the Lord’s grief over the fact that they are using sounds that He created for worship to Him…to usher in the presence of the demonic. It was intense.
Everyone else could feel the Lord all over the drum solo also, so they shared a clip of it online as well.
Take a listen below. The drum solo begins during Roger’s prayer. And, if you haven’t heard the testimony of what happened with Mark, scroll back to when I first get up onto the stage and listen to me share the details.
We had a powerful night at The Front on Monday too. It was so good to see some of the team there as well! I spoke mostly about a prophetic sign that God gave our area (the historic Shavuot rainstorm last June) and how this event actually prophesied Trump winning the election and an Isaiah 44 spiritual restoration of America that has already begun.
Many people told me that it really encouraged them, and I think it’s partly because it shows that God REALLY has His eye on our little section of this great nation…AND that He is likely telegraphing that a mighty move of the Spirit is about to hit our region.
Here’s what one man whom I just recently met at The Front texted me later that night.
Interestingly, prophets told us before we began ministering at the drum circle, that once the demonic portal opened by the drum circle is shut…the greater Glory will come upon the region. Given that, it’s pretty incredible that we are seeing this incredible breakthrough at the drum circle at the same time as we are seeing God give us these undeniable prophetic signs that He is about to move even more here. Amazing!
Here’s the video of the message:
It was a pretty awesome weekend too. On Friday, we were blessed to minister with a Hispanic family who lives in Oklahoma but recently moved part time to Sarasota. We met them last winter and they love what we are doing. They were anxious to come back and sow seeds with us, and they REALLY helped us that night because of how many Hispanic people were at the park.
I asked them that night how they ended up deciding to move to Sarasota, and I found it funny that God told them before they moved that their 10-year-old daughter held the answer to which city they were supposed to move to. The families last name is “Sosa”, and the daughters first name is Sarah. When they saw Sarasota, Florida on the map, they knew that was where God was calling them to move to. How cool!
A decent number of people also heard the gospel that night and some tracts were given out as well. Our friend Cory also brought his roommate out who we ministered to for a while. He prayed with us to receive Jesus and took our materials too.
On Saturday, the crowds were slim again, but God still moved.
During our first prayer circle a young man named William came up with his little brother and prayed with us. I ended up talking to him for a while and he told me that he was 15 years old and had been away from God for a long time. I asked him how he fell away from God, and he told me that his little sister was murdered several years ago, and after that he stopped believing in God. He said that just recently he started to think about coming back to God though, so meeting us was perfect timing. He and his brother prayed to receive Jesus, and I shared with him a TON about how to be a true disciple. He took it all in and was very thankful for the counsel.
At one point, his friend came up to him and asked him to hold his phone. When William looked at his home screen, he commented on how cool it was that he had Isaiah 60:22 on his screen- “When the time is right, the Lord will make it happen.”
This is him. And that is the cross that I gave him (because he asked if he could have it):
A little later that night, Trish called me over to talk to a young woman named Jasmin, who was there with her little sister. Jasmin had been away from the Lord too, but she and her sister prayed with us to receive Jesus, and we got to counsel her and give her materials also. It was awesome! Here they are:
As we were closing down, several families came over and prayed with us and they all prayed recommitments to Jesus also. It was awesome!
It was also a huge blessing to have our friend Renee and her two friends with us to lead worship. Here’s a clip of one of the Christmas songs they sang. It was neat to see people getting drawn over to listen:
Sunday was another great night. Many people heard and many received tracts and gifts. At the end, there were also several prodigals that came to us (that had come for the drum circle), who prayed to recommit their lives to Jesus. Here’s two of them:
We also had our friend Pastor Robin and his family with us to lead worship, which was really sweet. Here’s a clip of that. That’s their 9-year-old son playing Cajon!
BIG thanks to all the Kingdom Warriors that made it out with us last weekend- Amber, Augast, Thom, Nate, Cory, Trish, Debbie, Chuck, Isa, Renee and friends, Julie, Rachael, Jack, Mike M, Mike F, Joe, Robin, Sarath, Carol, Luke and Dillon. Great work!!!
Also, I have to give it up for the grace of God working through Team Jesus this past year. I reached out to our gospel tracts distributor and asked how many tracts I’ve ordered in 2024, and this was the response:
I also found out that in 2023 we ordered 9000. Given that I still have several thousand left over, that means that over the past 2 years we’ve given out an average of about 40 tracts PER OUTREACH. Is that wild or what!? Imagine if even just 1% of those people read it and got saved. So cool!
On that note, hope to sow with you soon out on the mission field!
Blessings and love!
Chris, Sofiya and Natalie