Team Jesus Update: August 15, 2024

Greetings Beloved! Happy Thursday!

Boy did it feel good to be back out on the mission field this past weekend. After missing the previous Friday due to our vacation, having a very short Saturday outreach because of rain, and having to cancel last Sunday because of Debby…I was almost feeling a little bit of withdrawal! Thankfully, this past weekend was on schedule, we had nice weather, and we had pretty good crowds.

I’ll get to how things went in a moment, but first I want to share something the Lord laid on my heart on Tuesday.

From Monday evening to Tuesday evening, we were in the 9th Day of the Jewish month of Av. It is a very significant day, and it has been the day that many calamities have occurred to the Jewish people throughout because of their disobedience. The origins of it go back to the book of Numbers, when the 10 spies came back with a bad report after spying out the land. I felt like the Lord gave me a message about this for the church, and a prayer that we should prayer from the book of Numbers over ourselves and the rest of the body of Christ.

I shared it on Tuesday at the House of Prayer, and I encourage you to listen. It’s about 10 minutes:

On to the weekend…

On Friday, God was really moving on the Hispanics. At one point I even looked over and saw an entire family praying to receive the Lord:

A good amount of tracts were given out that night too, and several others were prayed over. Maria also said that more than 7 people prayed with her to receive Christ that night. Hallelujah!

On Saturday, there were very few people when we arrived, but as the evening went on many people came. Many gifts were given out and several people were prayed over. There were also a good number of people (including many children) who were listening and engaging as the team shared songs, the Word and testimonies. I only got two pictures though:

Towards the end of the night, a mother and her two adolescent kids came over and listened to several testimonies and then joined us for prayer. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge for them that there had been recent trauma and that He wanted to heal it, and as soon as I said that to them one of the kids started instantly crying. I prayed over her more and we saw breakthrough. It was a very special moment.

On Sunday, we had a lean crew, so we met in the pavilion, and it was awesome. Many people came by and received tracts and gifts. People were very open too and we were able to minister to a number of them. One guy even came up to me and told me he was a believer, but that his marriage was failing. He was very repentant, and I got to counsel him for about 20 minutes, which I was thankful for. We also had 5 mighty men out there that night, which was so awesome to see.

BIG thanks to Debbie, Chuck, Mike M, Tom, Amber, Rene, Maria, Karson, Gene, Sarath, Mike F, Michael and Trish for coming out to serve! Great work everyone!

A few other recent testimonies to share are from the world of sports. Our on-fire sister, American runner Sydney McLaughlin, won Gold and even broke her own world record in the 400M hurdles in the Olympics the other day.

Here’s an article written about her victory. There’s also a video in there where she shares her testimony. Super cool to see someone like her have this kind of platform!

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone Breaks Own World Record to Win Olympic Gold | CBN News

This picture also surfaced of 21 Ohio State Football players showing up to camp wearing Jesus shirts:

These are such encouragements that God is still powerfully moving amongst Gen Z.

One last testimony is that recent news is saying that Iran’s “Jesus Revolution” has reached a milestone- 1 million Muslims have come to Christ. 50,000 of the 75,000 mosques in Iran have also closed because of this. How amazing!

Iran’s Jesus Revolution: Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ | CBN News

These are exciting times. Let’s take advantage of this great outpouring of the Spirit and continue to faithfully plant, water and reap for Dad’s Kingdom!

Hope to see you soon! Love and blessings!

Chris, Sofiya and Natalie

P.S. Last Thursday I really missed you guys but I’m so glad I went to The Front. I got to celebrate two years of them having a “worship war room” as they call it, at the north and south ends of the 941. Their story is so intertwined with ours, that I knew I had to be there. I shared some powerful testimonies of what God has done in me and in my family through the ministry over the 15 years that I’ve been part of it. I also shared some prophetic things the Lord has spoken to me about the 941, which I think you’ll be encouraged by. Video below:

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