Team Jesus Update: May 30-June 4th, 2024

Hey Fam! Happy Thursday!

Well, it was another powerful weekend!

On Friday night, there was a steady stream of people coming through the park and many were ministered to. I was told that a number of them even prayed to receive the Lord, including an entire family (pictured below).

On Saturday, for the fourth week in a row we saw a large group of kids come up and pray to receive the Lord after I gave the altar call. This time, several of them were also touched visibly by the Holy Spirit and two were water baptized. One of them even said that her parents were going through a divorce, and she had been very sad lately. The Holy Spirit brought healing to her that day.

Watch the highlights of this in the short video below:

On Sunday, we had an army with us, and we really needed it because the beach was PACKED for Memorial Day. Tons of people heard, many were ministered to, and we also gave out well over 100 gospel tracts.

We also saw handfuls of people getting drawn over to the worship and the Word throughout the night, which is always exciting.

Also cool was that early in the night I met a professional Christian rapper named J-Rob, who has even toured with Toby Mac. He said he loved what we were doing and would be open to coming to perform on the beach sometime in the future. Wouldn’t that be exciting!?

God is on the move!

BIG thanks to Mike M, Gene, Amber, Chris, Geraldine and family, Jack, Rachael, Tom, Julie, Colton, Lucas, Tanner, Nathalie, Rene, Maria, Michelle, Christina, Paul, Daniel, Mike K, Rochelle, Mike F and Lauren for coming out to serve this weekend! Great work everyone!

One announcement/prayer request- This Monday I will be sharing a message at The Front about two prophetic things happening right now having to do with the harvest. I would appreciate your prayers and would love to have you join us beginning at 7:30.

See you again soon!

Love and blessings,

C, S & N

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