Hey Fam! Happy Thursday!
What a weekend! Our first outreaches of 2024 definitely got started with a bang!
Sunday was by far the biggest highlight. Multiple churches unified together and somewhere around 100-150 people came to Siesta for an amazing worship event featuring international minister Georgian Banov. It was a real Jesus party too. The oil of joy and gladness hit that beach like a tidal wave, and we were all swept up in it. It was so fun!
Here’s a few pics:
Here’s one video:
Click here to see the rest of the videos and pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d9fwo0dm9mveplcf2qnlo/h?rlkey=mo2m034swizw1p27qef2vngm5&dl=0
Many people were drawn in by what we were doing, and for a while, we even had a bigger crowd than the drum circle! It was also Natalie’s first outreach outside the womb, and I got to share her testimony with lots of people that hadn’t heard it before.
At the end, Georgian prayed and prophesied over me, and he told me that he LOVES what we are doing. He even sent Michelle Skorski this text later that night:
The success of this event has motivated the organization of another big event too, which will be on Saturday March 30th at Riverwalk. Save the date! It’s going to be awesome!
Saturday was great too. We had Rochelle and Rene leading worship, and the praise was touching people all over. Many received gifts and prayers. One cool highlight for me was seeing a young man who I led to the Lord at Riverwalk back in February. When I met him, his family was living on the street. Since then, God has provided a place for them in Tampa, and they have been pursuing God. He was back in town visiting, and I was so thankful to run into him and hear about all God has been doing in their lives! Here he is:
The other thing that really stands out to me about that night was how God brought a fog into the park, literally as we were praying in the circle at the end. There was no fog when we started, and when we finished, I opened my eyes, turned around, and saw that it was covering the park. I believe that it represented a fresh outpouring of the Favor Of God. Here’s the one and only video I took that allows you to see it some:
On Friday, there were a decent number of people out at the park, so many people heard, but two Divine appointments really stand out.
The first was with a mom and her daughter. They were walking through the park and when they heard the praise they stopped and listened. When we went to talk to them, we could tell they were quite moved, particularly the mom. She told us that it was the 7-year anniversary of when her sister died of cancer. She said that every year that day was really tough, not only because of the loss, but also because it really tore her family apart. She said her parents lost their catholic faith as a result.
The woman was overwhelmed with the love of God and was amazed at how He timed our outreach to be on that day as a sign to her that He was still working in her life. Both of them got ministered to for quite a while and made fresh comittments to Jesus. It was powerful. Here they are:
Later, as we were packing up, three women in their 30’s walked by, and I told them that Jesus loved them. One of them replied “how can He love me, I’m a sinner?”
I told her that although Jesus doesn’t approve of sin, He loves us despite our sin. This really hit her. I offered to take their picture, and after I did, I asked if I could pray for them. That same woman said that she was going through a really hard time and that one of her friends had just been shot and killed. The funeral was the next day. I prayed for her and for that person’s family and God really touched her.
As they were walking away one of the friends commented on how perfect it was that they ran into us at that exact moment. Yet another great display of Gods sovereignty!
BIG thanks to Amber, Augast, Thom, Brian, Jeff, John, Mike M, Mike K, Paul, Rochelle, Rene, Debbie, Chuck, Mike V, Sandy, Mike, Laney, Karson and everyone else who came out to serve this weekend!!
I hope you can join us this weekend. I’m excited to see what the Lord will do!
Also, we are planning to take a short mission trip to Tampa on January 27th for the Gasparilla Parade, and we are working on putting the details together for Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale for the second week of March. Save those dates too and let me know if you can make it!!
See you soon! Love you!
C, S & N
Wow these are really amazing stories! Plz continue to post to me. I thank God for what you are doing
Love. Pastor Sue Christie, Detroit, MI
You bet Pastor! We hope to serve with you one day!
To God be all the Glory!