Greetings Beloved! Happy Thursday!
It has been quite a week. The Lord is doing amazing things in our area and I’m grateful to be witness to it!
One thing I’m really excited about is what He’s doing in the local schools. Last weekend we were blessed to see the Lord break new ground for revival at Parrish Community High School by allowing our friend Josh Howard and his teams host an all-day gospel event on their football field. Now, it is spreading. North Port High School had a big gospel event last Saturday, co-hosted by our friend Vasily and his team, and this Saturday there is another one at Sarasota High School.
They estimated that 700 people came to the event at NPHS, and many responded to the altar call. Here is one pic-
This weekend I really feel led to be part of the event at Sarasota High School because that is where my son goes to school. We will start and end Riverwalk a little early to allow for that.
Also exciting, is that one of my old schools- State College of Florida is having worship ON CAMPUS on Thursday April 6th and our friends Chuck and Debbie are also about to start a Bible study on the campus at New College. Is God on the move in the local schools or what!? This is such an answer to prayer!
Of course, as always, He was showing up mightily on the beach and the parks this week too!
Bayfront was a little different because we had no worship (Sofiya was home sick) but we had about 9 people that could preach, so we just gave Words and testimonies all evening. It was really good, and many people heard and several received prayers. I spent the bulk of the time speaking to a woman named Sharma who was “transitioning out of being a Jehovah’s Witness”. Our conversation was very fruitful too. Afterwards, I remembered that months ago she walked by us at Bayfront and yelled at us for what we were sharing. Now she’s open to it all. Pretty cool!
Saturday was amazing too! Charles Taylor and the Purpose Culture team came and they did not disappoint! Many were drawn in for prayer that night, and several were touched pretty profoundly. Here’s one video of the music:
Here’s a few pics of some of the young men getting ministered to-
On Sunday, SO many people received the Lord. It was amazing! From the first hour we were there, handfuls of young people were coming and receiving the Lord. Here’s a video I nabbed of one kid praying with Maria-
Then this 14-year-old kid prayed to receive the Lord and then wanted to be baptized. Here’s a clip of that-
Then this 17/18-year-old girl came over and she looked at me with a look of desperation and she said, “Can someone please pray with me to know God?” She had such sadness in her eyes, that you could tell she was carrying a lot of heaviness. I asked Maria to talk to her and about 45 minutes later Maria told me that she had just accepted Christ and wanted to be baptized. Here’s a clip of her baptism-
When she came out, we prayed for her to receive the Holy Spirit and as she began speaking in tongues (for the first time!) she also began to laugh. She kept on laughing and we could tell that God was doing a work in her. When she was done, she had a huge smile on her face, and she said she felt so much better. It was so cool to see God trade her grief for joy right in front of us!
When I went back to the tent, a woman that we all just met was about to sing. She leads worship at a church up north, and it was really cool to see people gather to worship during those few songs! Here’s a clip-
I also got a pic of these two guys praying to receive the Lord with Rene. It was crazy how many people wanted Jesus!
Then, we had the prayer circle, and people from several states joined us, which was awesome! A man who came up to us in the very beginning also came over to pray, and as we prayed, the conviction of the Lord hit him big time. You can see it on his face in this video-
Such an exciting weekend! I can’t wait to do it again!
This weekend our schedule will be
Friday at Bayfront Park (158) at 6
Saturday at Riverwalk (85) at 3
Saturday at Sarasota High School at 7ish
Sunday at Siesta Beach (262) at 3
Please pray and please come when you can!
Also, please join tonight’s prayer call if you can. We will start at 9. Here’s the login info
Topic: Prayer Meeting for Outreaches
Time: Mar 30, 2023 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Looking forward to seeing you soon! Blessings and love!
Chris and Sofiya