Hey Fam! Hope you’re having a great Christmas week!
What a weekend we had! Thank you to everyone who came out to serve!
On Friday, our missionary friends Mike and Rochelle were in town with a group of evangelists from various parts of Florida. It was a beautiful time of worship, divine appointments and fellowship. Here’s a video of us praying together at the end
On Saturday, we had them plus our usual crew, plus our friend Ricardo, who is super anointed. Even though there were smaller crowds because an art festival was going on in the parking lot, we still had some divine appointments.
My favorite was when my friend Rochelle was ministering. She called out to this girl who was celebrating her birthday in the park and asked her to come to the platform. She did, and after praying for her, Rochelle got a word of knowledge that the girl needed to forgive her mom. Afterwards we literally watched this girl go up to her mom (who was there at the party) and reconcile with her. It was so cool!
Here’s a video I nabbed of our friend Mike praying with a young man to receive the Holy Spirit on the walkway that night. Super cool!
Afterwards we had a great time of fellowship. So fun to be in the family of God!
On Sunday, my absolute favorite moment of the whole weekend happened. Do you remember last week how I shared that one of the drummers from drum circle (Aaron) asked me to pray for his mom, (who was in the hospital in critical condition), and how it was such a miracle because just a few weeks earlier he told me he was an atheist and was arguing with me about the validity of the gospel?
I saw him on Sunday, and I asked him how his mom was doing, and he told me that….SHE GOT HEALED!!!!
He told me that she was bleeding internally (which could have killed her) and that doctors were very uncertain about what was going to happen. When he told me this, I was SO overwhelmed with the goodness of God that I hugged him and began to praise Jesus right there. I thanked God for allowing this sign to be seen by Aaron so that he would believe, and he started tearing up in front of me!
God is so good!!!!
Also, we got word that another drummer- Justin (who is our friend Diana’s son) prayed to receive Jesus this week! In addition, I also got a call from Magi this week (who is one of the founders whom we’ve befriended) and he was making repeated declarations of faith, calling Jesus his Lord, and he even said he is going on a New Year’s cruise with his pastor and their congregation!
It’s hard to believe that this Sunday will mark 1 year since we’ve been ministering at the drum circle. In one year, we went from being hated and opposed to seeing major shifts in Magi, Miguel, Justin, Aaron, Mark and the Muslim guy. We’re so excited about what next year (and this weekend!) will bring!
Here are more videos and pictures from this weekend. The worship was outstanding! Click here- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lrkx9huv2xw5w7u/AAAKA90GtNx6lrzi6RMAyyBBa?dl=0
This weekend our schedule will be:
Friday at Bayfront Park (144) at 6
Saturday (Christmas Eve) at Riverwalk (71) at 4
Sunday (Christmas Day) at Siesta Beach (248) at 4- time may change so will keep you posted
Also, tonight we will be having our team prayer call for the weekend, which starts at 9pm. Click here to join-
Also, don’t forget that you are invited to our pastor’s house for New Year’s Eve. It will be a really fun time of worship, fellowship, food and burning dozens of Christmas trees in a giant bonfire. Hope you can make it!
We love you so much and we are so thankful to be doing life and ministry with you!
Chris and Sofiya
P.S Here is a digital flyer to download and share with people you’d like to invite to minister with us this weekend. Family telling family is how this salvation army is going to grow!